Sunday, January 25, 2015

Ivan is TWO

I can't believe my Ivan is TWO!
Man this kid is awesome.
What a special guy to have around.

Here's a little update on this cute two year old:

He is talking up a storm lately!
He's learning new words daily and his phrases/sentences are getting longer and longer.
I recently tried to make a list of his expanding vocabulary and counted close to 200 words.

On the morning of his birthday I was getting him a drink of milk. 
As I poured the milk in his cup he said,
"No lid! Me big now!"

Just a few days after that, 
Ryan and I were talking in the living room when Ivan suddenly ran up to me and said,
"Wahwah, Ice, No lid!" 
Haha!! So I clarified with him what he was asking for and he adamantly responded,
"No, no lid!"

At his 2 year checkup 
we found out that he's now in the 34th percentile for height.
Since the day he was born, this kid has been in the 10th percentile or less,
So we're pretty happy over here!

Some of his favorite things lately are:

Books, Trains, Helping Mommy and Daddy in the Kitchen, 
Winnie the Pooh, Daniel Tiger, Cleaning anything and everything,
Wrapping himself up in his blanket (while saying "Me cold!"),
Stuffed animals - current favorites are "penguin", "cat", and "TJ Max"
 Coloring/Drawing, Singing, Dancing, Playdoh, Nursery, 
Just plain acting like a little wild boy, and
Going potty and sleeping in a big boy bed (both recent developments!)

This little boy is so curious and just soaks up everything.
It is such a joy to see the world through his eyes!

We love you buddy!

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