Sunday, September 26, 2010

Country Cowboys, Chile Celebration, and Chocolate Cake....

...yeah I know it doesn't really rhyme, but they're all C's and all have something to do with what we've been up to lately! :)

A couple of weekends ago we had a fun activity for our stake opening social. It was cowboy themed, so naturally Ryan was well prepared to get all decked out. We had fun putting on our cowboy attire and going to this fun activity. We have such a great ward and stake!

Here we are all ready to go... Ryan looks more legit than me. Probably cuz he is.

Last weekend was the 200th anniversary of the country Chile's independence. Ryan served in the Chile, Santiago East mission so we had to join in on the celebration. We went to a small Chilean restaurant in Provo called Pantrucas where they were having a big celebration.  We met up there with a couple of Ryan's mission buddies, had some good food, and enjoyed the entertainment and celebration. It was way fun! :)

Us with the Chilean flag
Havin' fun :)

The group, including some of Ryan's mission buddies

This weekend on Saturday night it was almost 11 o'clock and we were craving something sweet. So we started looking through our many cookbooks and found a chocolate cake recipe that we had all of the ingredients for. So a little after midnight we feasted on our delicious chocolate cake. It was so rich and oh man was it delicious! :)

It was the first time we used our bundt pan... haha it was exciting :)

My hubby serving it up

It was SO good! The best part of it was all of the chocolate chips. Yum!

On a side note, a year ago today Ryan kissed me for the first time. :) That was a good night. Love you husband! :)

1 comment:

  1. Dear sister Abby,
    You don´t know me at all. My name is Isabel, from Brazil. I´m trying to contact your father Mr Daniel Bay Gibbons because I got in touch with his book "the gathering of eagles" which is amazing. There is this chapter on Roberta Macknight´s history which interested me very much. Roberta was born in my city but members here don´t know about her existence. She was very important for church history in Brazil.I have translated that chapter into portuguese and I would like his permition to share that to people. It´s not about publishing, just sharing that chapter in portuguese so member here could be proud of the great pioneer we had.
    I tried to write your dad couple of times through his blog. I´m sorry for disturbing you about that. I know your dad was also called on a mission and must be very busy,but I ask for your help on getting from him any feedback.
    Congratulations on his calling.
    BTW is your husband related to the shawcrofts who served in Campinas mission, Brazil? My husband is a stake president so we know them pretty close and love that family.
    Thanks in advance,
    My Best regards from Brazil
    Sister Isabel Almeida

    home phone: +55 19 34545349
    cel phone:+55 19 92901288
